Test di memoria in inglese

Test di memoria in inglese


Il seguente test, sviluppato da Nienteansia.it, permette di misurare la propria memoria. L’esercizio è molto semplice e si compone di due parti. La prima parte richiede l’attenta lettura di un brano in inglese, conclusa la quale inizierà il test vero e proprio.

Verranno a questo punto poste diverse domande relative al racconto letto in precedenza, alle quali si dovrà rispondere in maniera precisa. Più informazioni si riusciranno a ricordare più alto risulterà il punteggio finale del test.

Le domande verranno poste in italiano, pertanto la prova presenta una duplice difficoltà: la prima riguarda la comprensione e la memorizzazione del brano nella lingua originale, la seconda consiste nel tradurre mentalmente il testo dall’inglese all’italiano.

Leggi con attenzione il seguente brano. Quando sei pronto clicca sul pulsante in fondo al racconto e inizia il test.

Beasts in the Forest by FairyTale

Once upon a time, there was little girl who stopped talking because no one ever listened to what she said. No one even noticed that she stopped speaking. Her name was Bobbi-Ann. One day after hearing love songs on the radio, she began to sing. Beautiful melodic sounds came from her mouth that at one time revealed nothing. Those who loved her were entranced by her voice and would listen with bated breath every time she sang. All day and all night she would listen to the music and sing her songs. Over time, everyone tired of her singing and no one listened any more. Nevertheless, she sang, completely content that she was singing and no one heard.

Then one day, a queen heard her sing and thought that she had the most beautiful voice in the world. She asked Bobbi-Ann to come to the castle so that she could learn all there was to know about music and singing.

Against her mother’s wishes, Bobbi-Ann went to the castle. The queen played music on a piano and asked her which of the songs she wanted to learn to sing. She could learn any song she wanted, so she could sing before the court and be judged, which could lead to much fortune and fame – just for singing. This made Bobbi-Ann very happy – for all she wanted to do was sing.

On her way home from the castle the first day, Bobbi-Ann had to travel through the mean, dark forest. Wolves, bears and all kinds of wild beasts lived in this forest. Bobbi-Ann was supposed to wait for the queen’s chariot to take her home, but because it was such a beautiful, warm and sunny day, Bobbi-Ann didn’t see the wild beasts in the forest and decided to walk home. Besides, the little old lady laughed at Bobbi-Ann when she said she was waiting for the chariot. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, you who are so young and healthy have to wait for a chariot when you are so capable of walking.” So, Bobbi-Ann walked.

She smelled the three wolves before she saw them. She held her head high and tried not to be afraid knowing that they would sense her fear and pounce on her. She almost made it past them when the biggest jumped up in front of her and blocked her way. They tossed her back and forth as if she were a ball. Then the Big Bad Wolf heard the commotion and had to be a part of the game. “Who’s this pretty lady?” he said. He barked and the tall one grabbed her and held her while the Big Bad Wolf groped.

All the beasts in the forest were busy playing nearby, but the Big Bad Wolf knew they would come if they heard Bobbi-Ann scream. So he barked again and the tall one put a knife to her throat and dragged her into a cave where the four wolves could have their way with her.

With the knife at her throat, the three held her down while the Big Bad Wolf played. A bat flew overhead and saw the scene and screeched and screeched and screeched until the Big Bad Wolf could listen no more and screamed, “Shut up, bat.” The Big Bad Wolf knew the game was over and released Bobbi-Ann. “Remember,” he said, “I didn’t hurt you, I could have, but I didn’t.”


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